Ayam Bekisar chicks

Ayam Bekisar Chicken Breed: History, Origin, and Characteristics

Ayam Bekisar Chicken Breed: History, Origin, and Characteristics

The Bekisar, or Ayam Bekisar, is the first generation of hybrid descendants of domesticated green junglefowl (Gallus varius) and Javan red junglefowl (Gallus gallus bankiva). Roosters are prized for their clear, loud calls that can be heard over long distances. They have traditionally been used for a long time to help people keep in touch while at sea. The native inhabitants of the Sunda Islands carried the bekisars as symbolic or spiritual pets on their trips in Polynesian canoes, it is for this reason that these birds spread rapidly in many territories. Original hybrids are rarely fertile (and chickens are…
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