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How to Turn Chicken Manure into an Organic Fertilizer

How to Turn Chicken Manure into an Organic Fertilizer

Chicken manure is the “chicken excrement plus the mixture of other organic waste from the bird,” such as feathers and food waste. From this, you can obtain organic fertilizer (compost or humus) of excellent quality and slurry (liquid fertilizer). Preparing it is very simple and it will be explained step by step how to prepare chicken manure in an easy and fast way On average, a 2-kilo hen defecates 57 kilograms of manure per year, which is equal to 150 grams every 12 hours. By keeping a minimum of 10 chickens, a sufficient quantity of chicken manure could be obtained…
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3 Biggest Mistakes New Chicken Farmers Make

3 Biggest Mistakes New Chicken Farmers Make

This article could help new chicken farmers from losing money and having a good start. Let's be realistic, I've made so many mistakes as a new chicken keeper! I was not prepared for anything. Are you too? Okay, I learned from my mistakes, and I'm here to help! We will get out of this together, you have this! I want to help you overcome the 3 mistakes new chicken keepers make. 1. Some new chicken farmers don't have provisions before growing chickens. Do you have all the "stuff" you need for chickens? When you first get chickens, it's great if…
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Pros and Cons of Having a Rooster

Pros and Cons of Having a Rooster

Do you wonder what are the pros and cons of having a rooster in your pen? Maybe you are asking "hould I have a rooster in my pen?" When we got chickens, we didn't have a rooster. He had no idea how useful they were to the flock. Yes, you can have a pen without a rooster, but read below to see why you may or may not like having a rooster. They are more useful than you might think. If you're new to the world of chickens, also check out Should I Let My Chickens Free Range. Should I…
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Chicken Holiday: Can you leave your chicken and take a vacation?

Chicken Holiday: Can you leave your chicken and take a vacation?

How do you take a vacation when you have chickens? Is having a chicken holiday possible? Leaving your chickens at home while on vacation can be a bit daunting and disturbing. There are tricks to ease this transition. Whether you are going on vacation or traveling on business, you will need help! How do you take a vacation when you have chickens? Come up with a chicken holiday plan Leaving your chicken for a week can be depressing if you haven't tried it before. There are two main ways to take a vacation when you have chickens. Those are to…
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Do Chickens Lay Eggs Without a Rooster?

Do Chickens Lay Eggs Without a Rooster?

Do chickens lay eggs without a rooster? This is the big question many new farmers always ask. You don't need a rooster for your hens to lay eggs, as the hens will lay as many eggs as there is a rooster around or not. However, it takes a rooster to fertilize the eggs and turn them into chicks. There are significant advantages and disadvantages to keeping roosters. Therefore, any chicken owner should make sure to consider both before adding a rooster to the flock. Benefits of roosters There are some benefits to having a rooster as it offers significant protection…
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Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally: 8 Steps You Need to Know

Hatching Chicken Eggs Naturally: 8 Steps You Need to Know

Raising chickens naturally is a good way to increase the number of your flock but knowing the correct ways on hatching chicken eggs naturally helps you even more. However, some backyard farmers stray from this route for fear of ending up with multiple roosters. Still, for others, raising chickens on their own is just part of the farming experience and not that difficult to do, especially if you have a free-range hen. Some chickens reproduce unaided and choose to sit on the eggs all day. This can be caused by instinct, hormonal changes, or the change of seasons. Encouraging this…
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How to Protect Your Chickens from Predators

How to Protect Your Chickens from Predators

Looking to find ways on how to protect your chickens from predators is not an easy task, especially if you are free-ranging and living near the woods where all sorts of wild predators roam around. If you keep a chicken coop or plan to do so, then one thing you always have to think about is the safety of the chicken coop and the best way to protect yourself from predators. If you don't pay attention to this topic, unfortunately, you can have a horrible discovery in the morning when you feed the flock. It seems that almost all wild…
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