Chicken enthusiasts, farmers, and breeders are digging the Internet in order to find details about the “Asian Black Chicken”. Unfortunately, Google offers confusing results so in this article I am going to explain everything about this spike in search.
What is Asian Black Chicken Really?
There are two answers to this question and we don’t know which of the two answers your question. Whether you are looking for “Asian Black Chicken” per se, or just black chicken from Asia, I’ll explain below.
Asian Black Chicken: The First Answer
If you are specifically looking for Asian black chicken developed by Hoover’s Hatchery then this is the answer. Hoovers Hatchery is an American hatchery that developed, or should we say “discovered” this mixe breed while doing a series of trial and error processes in their laboratory. Sometimes, when you are doing a lot of processes something good may come up and this is no different from having a black result. hence they call it Asian Black Chicken because probably one of the parent stocks is a black chicken from Asia.

According to Hoovers Hatchery:
The Asian Black is a slower-growing bird. The males can reach market weight in 10 to 12 weeks, and the females take 15 weeks. Its striking colors with a blue/green hue on the black and red feather pattern make it a beautiful addition to any flock. It is a hardy bird that can adapt to many growing conditions. *Less than 5% hatch out a buff color as depicted by the photo.
Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 250 Medium Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Friendly Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb
Now you know there is really an Asian Black Chicken but the question is, is this a breed? Anything new that can be reproduced and gives teh same result can be considered a breed. It is a breed because it is a product/mix of two or more parent stocks. But since it is new, APA hasn’t recognized it yet.
The Hoovers hatchery and other American hatcheries like Tractor Supply are selling Asian Black chicks already so if you want to find out more, you may buy a pair or two and start growing them.
Asian Black Chicken: The Second Answer
This is for people who are just looking for black chicken from Asia and the answer is Ayam Cemani. If you search Google for “black chicken”, it will ultimately give you Ayam Cemani, Silkie, or Kadaknath – all have black meat. You can learn more about the black chicken breeds here.

What is an Asian black chicken? What color eggs do Asian black chickens lay?
Eggs of these black beauties eggs are cream-colored and the medium is size. Where males are meat producers, females can give both. Per year a healthy female chicken lays almost 180-250 eggs.
At what age do Asian black chickens lay eggs?
At what age do chickens usually start laying eggs? On average, young female chickens start laying eggs or “come into lay” around 6 months of age.
Do Asian black chickens have black meat?
The Asian black chicken from Hoover’s has white meat while Ayam Cemani has black meat. The Asian black chicken only has black plumage but the meat is like any other chicken in color.
When searching for a black chicken, make sure that you are looking for a really black chicken (all black from feathers, meat, to the bones), or just looking for black feathers like Black Australorp or Black Jersey Giant. There are many black chickens that have no black meat so know what you really want.
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