Bantam chickens in our backyard is an idea that is gaining quickly in popularity. And what can not be loved when they are wonderful pets and deliver fresh eggs at your door every day, as well as providing excellent free pay for the garden?
Bantam are small chickens. Some varieties have been raised to produce miniature versions, but other Bantam races only exist in small sizes. Its small size makes the Bantam a great option for a small backyard. The advantages of Bantam over their larger counterparts include:
- Require less space
- They consume less food
- They are easier to handle
There are hundreds of breeds of Bantam hens available and it is important to choose the right breed for your needs and situation. If you have little time, the first section offers you some answers about what type of bantam chicken to choose.
But if you want more details, the rest of the article offers you deeper knowledge about the choice of a Bantam chicken, where to buy it, and how to take care of it.
What is a Bantam hen?
A Bantam hen is simply a small hen. In most cases, Bantam chickens are smaller versions of a larger variety.
They can be 50 to 75% of the largest breed size. Many of the most popular races also have Bantam versions.

What is the smallest breed of Bantam chickens?
The smallest variety of Bantam is probably the Dutch, which weighs about 500 grams on average.
The Belgian d’Anver is another featherweight that weighs about 600 grams. Other popular tiny Bantam is the Belgian d’Uccle, the Seabright, and the Serama.
Are Bantam chickens good egg layers?
Although most Bantam can not compete with the largest raps in terms of the number of eggs, most Bantam still produce a number of rich and tasteful eggs.
A very general guide is that if the larger version is a good sponsor, the Bantam version is probably also.
What Bantam chickens are the best layers?
Easter eggs, Brahma, Plymouth Rocks, and Sussex are some of the best Bantam layers. They may produce eggs a little smaller than their larger counterparts, but they always produce a good number of eggs. These breeds are also resistant and have a lot of personalities, so they are also good pets.
What is a true Bantam?
True Bantam are varieties of chickens that only occur in small size. The true Bantam are naturally small, unlike Bantam breeds that have been deliberately raised from larger varieties. The real breeds of Bantam are the Booted Bantam, the Nankin, the Pekin, and the Seabright.
Bantam chicken breeds
As with normal-sized chickens, you should think about your needs before choosing your Bantam.
Is it important to identify whether you need a regular supply of eggs or are they simply to exhibit them? Are you looking for an easy pet to take care of what you like manipulating your children?
The varieties of Bantam chickens can boast of having some of the most spectacular plumages and appearances of chickens inworld. The magnificent colorations and the spectacular body shapes of some of the true Bantam, in particular, make them a great choice as exposure birds.
If you are interested in exposing your birds, you could consider varieties such as Serama, Seabright, Rosecomb, or the bearded Bantam varieties.
You will also want to take into account your local climate since some races do not tolerate cold conditions well. Some Bantam fly very well, despite their size, and this can be an important consideration if you live in a very busy suburban area.
Bantam eggs
As a general rule, the Bantam versions of the largest and most constant varieties in the laying of eggs will produce more eggs than the true Bantam. High-performance Bantam varieties include:
- Ameraucana (4 eggs per week)
- Brahma and Cochin (3 eggs per week)
- Sussex and Orpington (4 or 5 eggs per week)
- Plymouth Rock and Langshan (3 or 4 eggs per week)
- Australorp (4 to 5 eggs per week)
Most Bantam eggs are smaller (perhaps one-third by half the size of full-size versions). From full-size versions).
But, again, the Bantam versions of the larger breeds will tend to be more similar in size to the eggs of their larger cousins. Despite their size, Bantam eggs are still as nutritious as larger eggs. In fact, the proportion between the yolk and the clear is usually greater in Bantam eggs.
Comparison of sizes
As a general rule, most Bantam weigh between 400 and 1100 grams. Bantam versions usually weigh between 70% and 75% less than their larger cousins.
The following table offers a weight comparison between some large popular races and their Bantam versions.
Breed | Regular Rooster | Regular Hen | Bantam Rooster | Bantam Hen |
Leghorn | 3.4kg | 2,5kg | 1kg | 900g |
Brahma | 4,5 – 5,5 kg | 3.2 -4,1 kg | 1kg | 900g |
Sussex | 4kg | 3.2kg | 1,2kg | 800g |
Plymouth Rock | 3,4kg | 2.9kg | 1,3kg | 1,1kg |
Barnevelder | 3,6kg | 3.2kg | 900g | 740g |
Dorking | 5-6kg | 3.6-5kg | 1100g | 910g |
Orpington | 5kg | 3.6kg | 2kg | 1,6kg |
Wyandotte | 4.1kg | 3,2kg | 1,7kg | 1,3kg |
Naturally, the smallest size means that the Bantam occupies less space in its backyard, that’s just another great reason to look at Bantam chickens.
Are Bantam chickens good pets?
Many varieties of Bantam are wonderful pets thanks to their docile and friendly nature.
Bantam are social creatures and will be delighted that children take them and manipulate them, especially if they get used to chickens from an early age.
These varieties will also happily make a company while working in the garden.
The following varieties are particularly popular as pets thanks to their friendly nature and their friendly personality:
- Seabright
- Brahma
- Japanese
- Beijing
- Dutch
- Australorp
- Frizzle
Some breeds of Bantam such as Australorp and Australian Langshan having been raised in Australia, support all the Australian climate can offer them. Others, such as the Brahma, can support both ends, although it will have to be careful to avoid fungal problems in moisture conditions.
Most of the main breeds of Bantam are quite resistant and tolerate a series of climatic conditions, but if you live in areas subject to more extreme weather conditions you can consider these races.
Cold Climates
- Amenducana: They support cold conditions very well, but they may have problems in warm climates.
- Barnevelder: Tolerate the cold very well.
- Wyandotte: thrive in cold and humid conditions.
Warm climates
- Belgian beard d’UCCLE: Very resistant and heat tolerant, but they do not support the cold so well
- Frizzles: They need warm climates and do not support wet and cold conditions well
- Houdan: Worship the heat
- Japanese: They are happy in warm climates
- SERAMAS: its low wings make it not tolerate moisture and mud conditions
How much does it cost to feed the Bantam chickens?
It is worth thinking about what will cost your chickens to know the value you are getting from its small egg-producing machines. Bantam breeds, due to their small size tend to be much cheaper to feed than their biggest cousins anyway.
But the following races are particularly economical to feed:
- Silkie
- Rosecomb
- Frizzle
- Japanese
- Bantam Belgian
- Sebright
Bantam chickens will continue to need the same accommodation and care that their biggest cousins, but at a smaller scale. Remember that Bantam are very sociable creatures and will be happy to nest with each other in a nest.
It is important to choose a chicken coop that keeps the bantams safe from predators such as cats, dogs, foxes, and snakes.
They can be independent or be linked to chickens such as Homestead, Manor, or Estate. The tractor chicken can be easily transferred to the hens from one area to another.
The Somerzby chicken range has robust nests easily accessible for egg collection.
Cleaning is easy thanks to the removable galvanized steel tray. The asphalt ceiling is resistant to the weather keeps its hot and dried chickens and the resistant galvanized network allows good ventilation, in addition to keeping predators and pests away. The structure has spruce timber resistant to putrefaction that will last for years.
Where to buy bantam chicken?
Buy chickens is like anything else. Normally you get what is paid. Breeders, farms, and renowned animal stores can be sources of healthy chicks.
It is also worth talking to the members of your local poultry club.
Be sure to check the necessary vaccines and, if you are interested in breeding or displaying, you will want to verify the bloodline of the chickens you buy.
You can buy one-day-old chicks and raise them yourself. But keep in mind that it is not always possible to determine the sex of the chicks until after the first month. This is the cheapest way to buy chickens.
A hen about to start laying will probably cost about $20 and chicks (chickens of less than a year) that have proven their ability to put eggs will cost more.
Before making your purchases, check your local government requirements on the maximum number of poultry allowed in your area.
Take care of your Bantam and give you years of pleasure and many eggs for your pancakes.
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