Ayam Cemani meat

Ayam Cemani Chicken: All You Need To Know

Ayam Cemani Chicken: All You Need To Know

When I first saw a chicken Ayam Cemani, I was connected on Facebook and I immediately thought ... Oh, heavens ... good use of photoshop!. In other words, I thought the image was fake. The sole idea of ​​a blackbird from head to head seemed a little exaggerated. But since that first meeting online, I have had the pleasure of checking that these beautiful birds exist in real life and are incredible! These birds bear the name of Ayam Cemani and are an unusual and relatively modern chicken breed of Indonesia. The breed has a rare genetic condition known as…
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Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed: History, Origin, and Characteristics

Ayam Cemani Chicken Breed: History, Origin, and Characteristics

When I first saw an Ayam Cemani chicken, I was logged in on Facebook and immediately thought… “Oh my… what a good Photoshop job”. In other words, I thought the image was fake. The very idea of ​​a black chicken from head to toe seemed a bit exaggerated. But ever since that first online encounter, I have had the pleasure of seeing that these beautiful birds exist in real life and are amazing! These birds are named after Ayam Cemani and are a rare and relatively modern breed of chicken from Indonesia. The breed has a rare genetic condition known…
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